Our harmony turning out of tune melody
Broken keys kissing
Hammers made from the weight of our words
Playing back memories like drunken jazz men
We choke back cigarette smoke happiness
Chase our pride with cognac
I wonder if you remember what love sounds like
But I wasn't much of a drummer anyway
So I sit at this broken piano
Trying to read sheet music
We fade to nothing
I want to stand on sustain pedals and let us linger
Night air turning single high note
Grace notes down your spine
It’s been so long since I tickled your ivory
I miss making you sing
I can't touch you right anymore
We only make obnoxious noise
What happened to acoustic love-making
Trying to press the chords that give us life again
Your church organ words were once something holy
On what is left of our love
Praying those last lingering memories play in tune
They do not
You are a king of metaphor. That in itself will make a sad song happy and bring harmony to discord. You keep writing Chris, it's your gift!