
Being unemployed gives you time to think. It is a rare opportunity to reflect on who you are, and who you plan to become. Financial difficulty is a life defining experience when faced with homelessness. I have a belief that everything happens for a reason. Having a chance to live outside of and observe a system we strive to be a part of, which will eventually destroy us gives life a new perspective. At times deep in thought I remind myself that the test of success is graded in your ability to face failure. As a young man aspiring to be a rapper I often wrote of my fear of failure, and my desire to succeed. It wasn't until age 30 on a windy October day that I embraced the idea; stagnation is like dying, all successes in life, love, and finance involve risk and accountability for your actions. The fear of failure is the same as the fear of success.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Storm Within

It never ends how it begins... softly
As if a mother were kissing wounded angels
God lives in billowed clouds on sunny days
Meaning most of the time
This world is Godless

How appropriate he should leave angels watching
Vigilance easier than victory
Soldiers defend twisted gates long since abandoned
God created man, man created war
God... Flees his own by product

Massive hands made for loving
Cupping blood and feathers from fields of sorrow
Open under the weight of distraught children
Who only want to see their father

If you have ever survived a hurricane
You know what it means to be washed in the blood
Storms are like looking into the eye of God
As disappointment pours from her tongue like acid

The acrid taste of copper fills the air
Gods smile cracks the sky
Before she grumbles curses
Setting to punish you
Sadist more Satan than Savior

There are no fallen angels
She takes wings at whim
We drop to earth like tears
Crashing into pavement
Souls as transparent as rain on windshields
Washed into gutters
The lowest of the low

Clinging to the tattered edges of humanity
Like wind blown umbrellas
Soaked seeking warmth like redemption
We stand in storms because we like the turmoil
A reminder there is strength in our fragility

She calls to you
Like morning mothers
Like oppressed whispers daring not speak
You fight yourself on bladed edges
Trying not to fall
Emotions become daggers
They defend and destroy

We are masochist made in his image
Abandoned bases of vile villains
Set to self destruct
Who is a hero when nature assails you
Onslaughts of self doubt and depravation
Rain like Katrina kisses

Emotions storm in us
Like tornados embracing hurricanes
Passionate hearts are angelic battlefields
Tears are the blood of sacrificial soldiers
Reflecting up from dead pools to witness

Glass becoming cloudy like streaky mirrors
God is somewhere trying to shine through
There are storms brewing
Between our eyebrows and foreheads
Beads of sweat form ranks like soldiers
On slippery slopes battling for their humanity

Before the rain comes


  1. God is saddened by our reflection of Him
    We deserve everything we get
    If we do not adhere
    To the stench we create
    For His pleasure...

    He is not pleased~
    With us

    Bless those that serve that I may have a better
    life and sacrifice their own for mine. Selah

  2. Dope piece bro.. I love reading your evolutions. ~Omari
