
Being unemployed gives you time to think. It is a rare opportunity to reflect on who you are, and who you plan to become. Financial difficulty is a life defining experience when faced with homelessness. I have a belief that everything happens for a reason. Having a chance to live outside of and observe a system we strive to be a part of, which will eventually destroy us gives life a new perspective. At times deep in thought I remind myself that the test of success is graded in your ability to face failure. As a young man aspiring to be a rapper I often wrote of my fear of failure, and my desire to succeed. It wasn't until age 30 on a windy October day that I embraced the idea; stagnation is like dying, all successes in life, love, and finance involve risk and accountability for your actions. The fear of failure is the same as the fear of success.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Storm Within

It never ends how it begins... softly
As if a mother were kissing wounded angels
God lives in billowed clouds on sunny days
Meaning most of the time
This world is Godless

How appropriate he should leave angels watching
Vigilance easier than victory
Soldiers defend twisted gates long since abandoned
God created man, man created war
God... Flees his own by product

Massive hands made for loving
Cupping blood and feathers from fields of sorrow
Open under the weight of distraught children
Who only want to see their father

If you have ever survived a hurricane
You know what it means to be washed in the blood
Storms are like looking into the eye of God
As disappointment pours from her tongue like acid

The acrid taste of copper fills the air
Gods smile cracks the sky
Before she grumbles curses
Setting to punish you
Sadist more Satan than Savior

There are no fallen angels
She takes wings at whim
We drop to earth like tears
Crashing into pavement
Souls as transparent as rain on windshields
Washed into gutters
The lowest of the low

Clinging to the tattered edges of humanity
Like wind blown umbrellas
Soaked seeking warmth like redemption
We stand in storms because we like the turmoil
A reminder there is strength in our fragility

She calls to you
Like morning mothers
Like oppressed whispers daring not speak
You fight yourself on bladed edges
Trying not to fall
Emotions become daggers
They defend and destroy

We are masochist made in his image
Abandoned bases of vile villains
Set to self destruct
Who is a hero when nature assails you
Onslaughts of self doubt and depravation
Rain like Katrina kisses

Emotions storm in us
Like tornados embracing hurricanes
Passionate hearts are angelic battlefields
Tears are the blood of sacrificial soldiers
Reflecting up from dead pools to witness

Glass becoming cloudy like streaky mirrors
God is somewhere trying to shine through
There are storms brewing
Between our eyebrows and foreheads
Beads of sweat form ranks like soldiers
On slippery slopes battling for their humanity

Before the rain comes

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I didn't mean to strike her
My fists were sledge hammers
Her chest became cracked concrete
Over-passes passing over her heart
I didn't know she was so fragile

There were scars beneath scarves
She had become scabbed skin
Structure concealing raw wounds still gaping
Her hands held bleeding hearts
My love was just a Band-aid

I first saw her alley in her eyes
Mine meeting deadlock determination
Disgust disguising desire dressed in dingy dignity
Bare body beneath borders
Made by torn blouses held closed
She asked that I look away like the others

Somehow less whore and more hero
I could see through her cloudy facade
As transparent as facial film
From men who had freshly fucked her
All she needed was home
A place in someone’s heart

I watched men enter her over and over
Repeatedly leaving pieces of themselves behind
Building abandoned warehouses of regret
Hope became hot hangers and cervical scaring
Souls were deconstructed buildings and empty lots

Love like gravity that pulled her from me
Her escape was the short flight
Between bridge and black water
A crash landing wreckage
Of release and heartbreak

I became panic and doubt
Reaching out with slippery fingers
Tear soaked searching shorelines for lost souls
She lay limp where they landed
I tried to breathe life back into her
Prayers became snow flurries
That melted away when they landed on us

She had been french once
Vouloir c'est pluvoir
Where there is a will there is a way
I kept pumping trying to push my prayers into her
De troit, mon cherie avec l'amour
Je tu donne ma tout

These narrows, my sweet with love
I give you my everything
Just breathe...




Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hell or High Water

(A Recounting by the Penn State Shower) 

There is no courage as enduring as that of a lion 
If these walls could talk 
If I could talk 
If these walls were arms 
I would have reached out to stop him 

They built me in an embrace 
I never sought to hold such impurity 
Nothing cleanses haunted eyes 
Time will pass and shame will still stain my floors 
Becoming the smudge you overlook 

Monsters don't always hide beneath beds 
Some become smiles between victory and validation 
Victims are just boys who believed 
I am just an object 
Adamately inanimate a victim of inaction 

He touched me first 
Wrist wrenching wishing wells 
Waterfall feelings like embraced rage 
Ripping hearts from where compassion sat 
No one will ask where his compassion is at 

There are lions here devouring our young 
Predators on glory fields 
Growling below the excited din of victory 
Fading innocence longing for acceptance 
Sacrificial souls given to be a part of something 
All I could offer was a hiss of discontent 
And a tear laden watery grave 

This is where your babies died 
Covered in an emulsion of agony bloody suds 
And the gratitude of a demon 
Courage must be caged like off season uniforms 

Here within my walls 
Where bare boys are shielded from prying eyes 
A man strips his disguise inside me 
His body becomes pry bar between moral and molestation 

Nothing is clean about what happens here 
That drain is the sinkhole for his hollow humanity 
Why didn't God shake the earth 
Crumbling these walls around him 

If God ripped me open 
So devils could be devoured 
I would gladly trade my existence 
For stifled cries that became roars 
Of rebellion in the void beneath my regret 

If God tore off the roof 
Our combined lament 
Could have drowned demons 
I have shed so much regret and remorse 
The weight prevents me from holding my head high 

I have memorized every grief stricken footprint 
Proof of secrets he asked them to keep 
But walls do not have ears 
How do I still hear the cries 

There are skies purging themselves 
Like shower heads with torn hearts 
Open arteries letting life leak out of them 
I wanted to save those boys 

Jerry Sandusky 
If walls could talk they would speak in curses 
You are the horror a shower won't wash away 
If this were a house you would be ashen ember 
Their innocence smoldering 
Smoke still rising from where you grasped them 

An arsonist witnessing his work 
Beneath the spray of hose hope and salvage 
We must now put your fires 
Lions will devour their young 
Infernos will roar in similar fashion 
I hope you burn in hell 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

RIP America, Long Live Troy Davis

September 21, 2011 at 11:08PM the United States of America proved something to the world at the expense of yet another blackman. The machine of American democracy cannot but turned off or shutdown even when the poor, innocent, and unfortunate are at risk. There is a new dawn in the land of the free and home of the brave; you are only free if you have wealth you are only brave as long as there are politics to hide behind.

Millions of letters and calls, 51 congressman, 3 presidents one of whom being George W. (I don't care about poor people) Bush, the Pope, Desmond TuTu, countless members of the media, and the millions who voted to grant these people power and position were silenced. At 11:08PM America was told in no uncertain terms that morals, passion, and truth have no place in this country. A system we created killed a potentially innocent man. Reasonable doubt has been nullified, as was the right to a fair trial because arrogance would not allow a governmental entity to admit it is fallable.

There has been an outcry against capital punishment and the ideal they we should not be playing God. Yesterday the country I call home and the government who runs it proved they supercede God. The United States of America decides who eats and who straves, who works and who struggles, who has and who has not, and now they hold life and death in their hands. We have become children playing with hand grenades.

In the face of uprisings around the world we have been incited, dared, teased, and tempted into civil uprising here at home. We will stand mute. The arms of America have become too short, and too weak to box with God. We will do and say nothing live and die where race, sex, and education mean nothing to the powers that be.

Our money will still be green, our budget will still be red and our government will gift wrap slavery for masses as long as our flag flies. In God we trust, God bless America, one nation under God, I do solemly swear upon God as my savior, God does not exist anymore we traded God for a broken democracy.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


As I sit here pouring my soul into this last letter 
Realizing how much I loved you 
In the morning i'll be gone 
If your lust ever equaled my love 
The magic in your heart 
Should animate this collage of ink and tears 

Satires on canvases of fantasy 
You have become quite the artist 
You fancy yourself fancy 
I remember simpler days 
Back then a caged animal 
Pouring salt into its own wounds 
Howling because the agony was music 

There is something tame about you 
Broken looks of wild turning into eyes of askance 
Your fangs the broken keys on that old typewriter 
I told you I would always love you 
I'll be gone in the morning 
Watching you die is killing me 

While you are sleeping I will leave you this letter 
If you have found sanity in writing 
I hope you lose every page you've ever penned 
Forget everything you think matters 
Where is the you that taught me to respect the wild 
There is nothing more beautiful than a predator in the hunt 

Dear UNtitled how could I have tamed you 
I hope your wounds become rancid 
I remember when the devil cowered beneath your gaze 
I am leaving you in the morning 
I will not watch a wolf become a house dog 
Pain and discomfort fill my prayers 
I hope this kills you 
So you can be stronger 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lack of Vision a Twisted Circle

This is what happens when you try to subtly impart knowledge to someone.  In the service business you do not close off sections of your demographic even when you specialize in other areas.  You cannot make “more” money by excluding customers from your service.

This relationship began with my asking what contacts she had in the media.  Her response was “contacts are easy to get in the media the hard part is getting them to do articles.  You can look the contacts up anywhere.”  In my opinion a publicist has contacts that he or she makes available to their client; those contacts do articles as favors to that publicist.  A publicist rate is determined by the number of contacts they have and the security of those relationships.  I had my doubts about her qualifications’ from jump.

UNtitled Poet

Misses PrXpert
How are you?

UNtitled Poet
i am well I see your account is back up and running

Misses PrXpert
so happy too.

UNtitled Poet

Misses PrXpert
I'm a social networking junkie

UNtitled Poet
i see

Misses PrXpert
Most of it is work

UNtitled Poet
mmm hmm so they say

Misses PrXpert
Go to my webiste

UNtitled Poet

Misses PrXpert
I have a social networking package
I get paid to be on here...
I'm afraid of myself too BTW.

UNtitled Poet
i see
are you going to face your fears?

Misses PrXpert
I do everyday.
I'm a writer and poet as well.

UNtitled Poet
id love to hear/read something

Misses PrXpert
I also have a strong business sense as well which is how i got into PR

UNtitled Poet

Misses PrXpert
I have poetry, but I don't slam or anything
love to hear it tho

UNtitled Poet
why do people thing slam is so important

Misses PrXpert
I don't think it is...I just don't do it. You see I still called myself a poet...lol
I grew up admiring Maya Angelou

UNtitled Poet
poetry has existed as the quintessential expression of art and intelligence for over 5000 years and they started poetry slam in 1984

Misses PrXpert

UNtitled Poet
All slammer call themselves poets

Misses PrXpert
That's an intelligent way to put it

UNtitled Poet
im not average I just pretend to be

Misses PrXpert
Like I said, I love maya so my poetry is in the same category as the things she puts out.
I've performed

UNtitled Poet

Misses PrXpert
Weddings, Funerals, you name it. lol
I just stepped away from performing as I got older.
I stopped when I was about 16

UNtitled Poet
how old are you now?

Misses PrXpert
I actually hosted a poetry show in Detroit last year
I turned it over to one of my poet friends and she stopped doing it. I was too busy and it was every week.
I love poetry..

UNtitled Poet
what was the name of the show?

Misses PrXpert
BSM Presents: Open Mic Poetry at the Russell Bazaar. That simple.

UNtitled Poet
Did you run it before or after Jah, because he passed it to Soltreu

Misses PrXpert
I passed it to Jah, but I know Soleteu
I started it

UNtitled Poet
Oh ok

Misses PrXpert
Never again...lol

UNtitled Poet

Misses PrXpert
People in Detroit don't support things like that enough.
You got to Chicago, ATL, etc and it's a totally different thing
I don't work with authors anymore period.

UNtitled Poet

Misses PrXpert
what? lol I'm just being honest
Even though I write, my profession is a publicist
lots of publicists won't work with authors and we have good reasons.

UNtitled Poet

Misses PrXpert
self-published authors
because it is too hard to promote self published authors, you can barely get their books in the stores

UNtitled Poet
what wrong with that. and if they are good it shouldn't be a problem

Misses PrXpert
not that easy
self-published books can't be sent back if they don't seel
so bookstores stay away from them'

UNtitled Poet

Misses PrXpert
and everybody is a writer nowadays

UNtitled Poet

Misses PrXpert
so in order to determine whether or not a book will sell, they would have to read the all.
and pary that it sells
sorry, eating..lol
I literally went broke trying to work with them last year

UNtitled Poet
no one does that... but I don't see how that makes dealing with an author bad... furthermore I didn't know PR and distribution were the same thing

Misses PrXpert
Now i only works with IT companies and filmmakers
and other corporations

UNtitled Poet
maybe you just chose to work with the wrong authors and in the wrong scope of what they do

Misses PrXpert
I tried them all
all genres

UNtitled Poet
i meant as indivduals not as a genre

Misses PrXpert
and my rates are more than they can afford based on book sales

UNtitled Poet
but i digress

Misses PrXpert
yeah, it's more of a money thing more than personality or mind-set. If you don't have it...u just don't have it
but my family still has to eat so...

UNtitled Poet
perhaps your rates or services don't directly address their needs

Misses PrXpert
That's not it.
There are too many people out here selling books
that people aren't buying.

UNtitled Poet
oh ok

Misses PrXpert
People are being very careful with their money
and it an author doesn't get with kindle or e-books, it's almost a waste of time
not because the book isn't good
but because of the times we live in

UNtitled Poet
or maybe people view things differently
maybe i view things differently

Misses PrXpert
newspapers are dying out too

UNtitled Poet
but oh well

Misses PrXpert
You have a right too
but these are the reasons that 95% of publists out here won't work with an author unless they have a publishing deal

UNtitled Poet
which I think is stupid... but eh... this is again my opinion

Misses PrXpert
I respect the authors and what they do...but I am running a business and I have to make good decisions.

UNtitled Poet
doesn't sound like a very good decision

Misses PrXpert
It has been for me. I am better financially and happier. Less stress
which is good for my family

UNtitled Poet
oh ok

Misses PrXpert
I know you're a poet and I respect that. But anything a publicist can do for you, you can do for yourself. Goood PR is expensive because we put in a lot of work
and when you compare the cost to book sales...it's smarter for the author as well.

UNtitled Poet
why are you so focused on book sales? or is that all you know?

Misses PrXpert
A publicist doesn't sell books
we get you media exposure

UNtitled Poet
thats what you make it sound like

Misses PrXpert
which people don't pay for
no one is going to pay an author to interview them right?

UNtitled Poet
what do you mean people don't pay for media exposure if they didn't wouldn't have a job

Misses PrXpert
so to have a publists is an uneeded expense unless you are selling thousands of books

UNtitled Poet
umm ok

Misses PrXpert
People pay for expore by hiring a publicist
but a newspaper isn't going to pay for interviews
it's unethical
so i can't give you a return on your investment
the media exposure
however will help
but it's alot of work if you aren't already established

UNtitled Poet

Misses PrXpert
when you are
a publists helps you manage your interviews etc so that you can focus on your craft.
but we aren't managers
so we don't help sell books
You can say my theory is flawed but you haven't worked as a publicist

UNtitled Poet
i always thought a publicist job was to increase the exposure for their client. I learned something today

Misses PrXpert
it is
but we don't sell books

UNtitled Poet
you just implied it wasn't
and here we are back to the book thing

Misses PrXpert
we arrange interviews and get your name out there

UNtitled Poet
what is it with you and books?

Misses PrXpert
we're talking about authors right?

UNtitled Poet
im talking about anyone

Misses PrXpert
unless they are speakers...

UNtitled Poet
I run businesses... I know good business when I see it... this doesn't make much sense

Misses PrXpert
right a publicist helps you get media exposure. I've said that 5 times, what isn't clear?
we're also on a chat

UNtitled Poet
and from what I know of public speakers majority of them are authors, or have had a book written about them

Misses PrXpert

UNtitled Poet
so then why not market yourself to that with authors rather than dwell on what you know doesn't work

Misses PrXpert
It isn't smart for a self-published author to hire a publist unless they have money set aside for that as an investment
otherwise they should do it themselves until it's more affordable
Because of what the media is looking for
I think you're just offended because you write

UNtitled Poet
who said anything about being self published. Anyway while I was amused with this circle we just went in... I have runs to make so you enjoy your day.

Misses PrXpert
lol okay

UNtitled Poet
I'm not offended at all. I was trying to help you see the flaw of your business model, and show you how to make some money. Anyway catch ya later.

Misses PrXpert
I make more money not working with authors
I think I'm doing just fine

UNtitled Poet
yes you don't see it
I didn
did'nt think you would

Misses PrXpert
trying to insult people isn't good business either
turns people off

UNtitled Poet
i wasn't trying to insult you. I was just being blunt. It's who I am. Ask around I have a track record for that. But it also comes with a record of being dead right damn smart and overly talented (now im being insulting )

Misses PrXpert
well good luck to you.

And after all that I was unfriended and blocked!!! HOW RUDE

Monday, August 22, 2011

War for the Wrong Reasons

The Federal Reserve is a corporation the same as Standards and Poor’s who operate within the United States of America. I am amazed that a private company has been allowed to gain and maintain so much control over the lives of the citizens our government was created to protect. We have invaded countless countries and stolen innumerable amounts of wealth under the guise of democracy and freedom for the oppressed.

Standard and Poor’s was wrong about the housing market in the 90’s they were wrong about a recession coming to an end in late 2007, they are wrong about lowering the credit rating of the US right now. We are the greatest lender of aid, the largest consumer, and the greatest country in the world (despite our inherent flaws). What no one seems to grasp is downing the credit score of America severely impacts the entire world.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->We cannot buy/ import as much as we could because interest rates will increase
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->If the interest rates of the government must increase because of poor credit so must all rates that fall under its umbrella. Housing, commercial, private
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->It also means if we are the highest lender of aid and consumer of exports all other markets are devalued by default
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->Commerce mimics markets, if the markets are down, spending and consumption will decrease. Businesses will struggle, inflation will skyrocket to maintain profit margins, people will lose jobs (has no one considered payroll is the single greatest controllable expense of any company)

There are sections of Detroit that look like Tripoli and even more that look like bombed out corners of Islamabad. When will there ever be a time that we as a people demand we defend our borders, from ourselves. Defend us from these banks, which shackle us with cash, slave us for our labor, and lynch us with the very rights that should ensure our God given freedoms. We are sharecroppers trying to farm progress with ancient tools overly dull and rusting away. The touch of hope comes from blistered hands, dripping blood and sweat trying to till a mountain side. Life has become hard as stone. Granite only has use as tombs for our self worth. What will we leave our children?

Disease and famine are the offspring of foreign aid. There are so many similarities behind the eyes of a Somali child and a student of Detroit Public Schools. America has become the world’s immune deficiency. We cannot afford the cure, we are wasting away our veins are collapsing like infrastructures. I wonder what you dream of when you are on your death bed? You probably pray for your children, in Detroit prayer stopped working long ago.

We must do something, before it is too late. You kill cancer by cutting it off, we can rebuild an economy through bartering; feed the hungry by urban farming, and live without killing everything around us. If we can go to war with foreign countries, we can most certainly go to war with those who do not carry our best interests in their hearts. Kill your enemies before they destroy everything you love, like yourself.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Light of the World pt 1

We see light without understanding as a people grasping the outcome without knowledge of its creation or function. We have truly become children of the machine. We have become children of the light, never understanding or appreciating the darkness from which the light springs forth. Light is celebrated as the birth of life. The darkness which creates light is lost somewhere between the origin of man and his dreams what arrogant beings we have become.
Secret sects and clandestine factions have risen to prominence in the 21st century. Those who seek knowledge and power are cast as demonic heretics set to destroy the world. Perhaps they are. They teach to listen without question, follow the masses, live up to expectation. All the while before our very eyes defying their own rules, we look to them as gods defying our own logic.
Logic may be the answer to our plight, it is learned behavior. It is the animal in man that allows him to survive. Instinct and reflex are the greatest tools of humanity; intuition is a gift from God. Yet we learn to ignore them, we are taught to scorn them, to believe in a God but not in the gifts he has bestowed upon us. Ungrateful.
Then there are the children of the light. Illuminati, Catholic, government, banking, business, entertainment we curse them, like God. But we follow them, like many of us would God; we see their darkness and seek only to destroy it with our own light. We are good, for when there is evil there must be good.

There will always be a duality, light and dark, good and evil, hot and cold. My brother often spoke of duality and is importance. It was not until now that I realized duality may exist in all things like the Chinese belief in Yin and Yang, however there is no guarantee balance and duality with have the same meaning as the Yin and Yang principal implies. For in this world there is no duality in perfect balance, merely many forces working in unison for their individual goals. This principal is more akin to life.
It is for that reason I hold no fear or reverence for the Illuminati or religion. They are deeply rooted within each other, pursuing that which is only a small part of the universe. When you look to the night sky and pray to God do you focus on light, do you stare into the sun, and is there not blackness when you close your eyes?
You grasp light because it is tangible for your mind even if you cannot hold it. But power and life stem from the darkness from the void. We have learned to pursue by-products of greatness rather than go to the source. God lay in a void, in darkness. Long before the heavens and earth, before the faces of the oceans, days before he created light we are living a fundamental folly.
Perhaps it is this error that allows those who believe they have or are in power to make such mistakes and create misunderstandings. Perhaps the masses have become victims to the ignorance of the few. Perhaps we are voids and we have lost the ability to cast light from our souls. Do you fear walking your own path, perhaps you cannot see your own light until you stand in a shadow?